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The Water and Sewer Authority held its regular meeting on Thursday, May 13, 2010 at the Waste Water Treatment Plant, 24 Commerce Road, Newtown, CT.  Chairman Zang called the meeting to order at 7:00
Present:  Lou Carbone, Richard Zang, Alan Shepard, Carl Zencey, Eugene Vetrano arrived at 7:40pm
Absent:  Marianne Brown, Richard Conte
Also Present:  Fred Hurley Director of Public Works, Jason O’Brien and Julio Segarra of United Water Environmental Services, Mark Dennen and Teresa Berryman for 27 Washington Avenue,   Glen Moritz for St. Rose, Rob Manna and Rick Camejo for Newtown Hook and Ladder, John McCoy of J.F.M. Engineering and Ernie Morgan for 160 Mt. Pleasant Road, Michael Burton for 107 Church Hill Road, Joe Tartaglia for 105 Church Hill Road
Public Participation – none
Approval of the minutes – The previously distributed minutes of the meeting of April 8, 2010 were unanimously approved.
27 Washington Avenue – Mark Dennen spoke for Theresa Berryman who lives at 27 Washington Avenue who is an elderly resident on a $15,000 per year fixed income.  Her cesspool caved in.  She called the town to find out that they cannot replace or repair the system on your property.  They are requesting hook up.  The cost to hook up is approx. 17,000 which includes private installation as well as the benefit assessment.  They are looking for help for the cost from the WSA.  The Water and Sewer can not reduce the benefit assessment, however, they can lien the property so when the property is sold, the Water and Sewer Authority will be paid the benefit assessment.  The WSA suggested that they seek elderly relief from the authority.
107 Church Hill Road – Michael Burton’s proposal was to split the assessment into thirds and pay on phase 2, 3 and 4.  Mr. Zang expressed his concern that they do not know if or when phase’s 3 and 4 will be completed and therefore the WSA will not be able to collect.  Phase I assessment is $12,000.  Mr. Burton does not understand the additional assessment on the original building.  Mr. Hurley informed him that even though the property is zoned for mixed used it was originally assessed at its used form – residential.  This is a change in use.   Mr. Zang suggested that Mr. Burton speak with Mr. Hurley about putting together another proposal.  
46 Church Hill Road, St. Rose – This is a garage addition.  The benefit assessment on the property just came in from Kerin and Fazio at $6,700.  There will be a public hearing next month to set the assessment.  St. Rose is looking for a partial CO for the first floor.  The second floor is on hold at this time due to financial issues.  Mr. Zang asked if the benefit assessment could be split to determine the cost between the first floor and second floor so a partial C of O can issued.  Fred Hurley will Request Kerin & Fazio to revise their benefit assessment.
Newtown Hook & Ladder request to hook up – They have plans for a new building at 12 Sugar Street and would like hook up to an existing lateral.  The WSA will give a preliminarily letter for other town agencies stating preliminary approval.  Lou Carbone motioned to authorize the chairman to send a letter giving preliminary approval for hook up at 12 Sugar Street for the proposed fire house.  Carl Zencey Seconded, motion unanimously accepted.
Carl Zencey moved to add 105 Church Hill Road to the agenda, Lou Carbone seconded, motion unanimously accepted.  Mr. Tartaglia is requesting a payment plan.  He would like to pay it within 10 years.  He did not realize that paying the assessment is part of getting the CO.  Mr. Tartaglia would like to open in two weeks.   Mr. Zang said that they were not ready to give a 10 years installment plan without further discussion.
Potential Hawleyville Sewer Extension  - 160 Mt. Pleasant Road (Midway Mobile Home Estates), 164 Mt. Pleasant Road (Newtown Veterinary Hospital), 168-170 Mt. Pleasant Road (future Commercial Dev.).  164 Mt. Pleasant road has a sight plan and would like to get a benefit assessment so they can figure the cost in to the project.  168-170 Mt. Pleasant will be close to the same development and thought that they could assume the assessment would be the same.  Mr. Hurley said that as long as the use was similar.  Alan Shepard moved to authorize Kerin & Fazio to appraise the property for the benefit assessment of 164 Mt. Pleasant Road based on the site plan, Carl Zencey seconded, motion unanimously accepted.  160 Mt. Pleasant Road appears that the line runs three quarters in front of the property.  Mr. Morgan said that he had the septic pumped in November and everything was fine and that he is trying to be proactive.  The Hawleyville line is for Economic Development.  If the septic system was failing and DEP mandated it, the WSA would look at hooking up the property.  
Energy Savings Proposal – A proposal was received by EL&M for lighting and control improvements.   You can pay upfront or use 0% financing and pay out of savings.  Lou Carbone moved to authorize Fred Hurley to sign the proposal from EL&M.  Gene Vetrano seconded, motion unanimously accepted.
Gallons processed vs. gallons billed study – The portable flow meters for the sewer lines have been ordered.  A program for location and duration of the testing needs to be coordinated.   Dick asked Julio, Fred and Alan to work together.
Discussion of progress on mapping – Scott Sharlow in the technology department is more available now.  Alan Shepard did get the maps with the street addresses from him.  
Capital Needs Report – SCADA Report – A draft copy of the conceptual design report for the scada system upgrade was received and covers only the requirements of the WSA.  Gene Vetrano is the liaison for the WSA and other town departments.   
4 Berkshire Road – We did establish that this property is in the district.  Fred Hurley has to work out what has been paid and what is owed.  The only thing that the WSA can waive is the penalty interest.  This will be reviewed at the next meeting.
USGS Stream Gauge – Land Use was confirming with Potatuck Land Co. that they wanted USGS to install the stream gauge on Turkey Hill Road.  We still do not have a proposal from USGS in writing and we do not have the cost for installation in writing either.  
FY11 Budget – The Financial Director has asked the WSA to have their budgets in place before the fiscal year.    The WSA expects to comply
Report by United Water environmental Services – The plant ran relatively well.  A copy of the report is attached.  
Reports by Public Works Director – Fred Hurley clarified that there was a misunderstanding with the Finance Director and the WSA about the repayment of loan from the Water Account to the Sewer Account.  This has been rectified.  
Any Other business -Payment schedules need to be addressed by the board.  Both 105 and 107 Church Hill Road are asking for payment schedules that are beyond what has been given to other properties.  Alan Shepard moved to upon request offer payment terms on new benefit assessments of up to 5 years at 4%.  Lou Carbone seconded, motion unanimously accepted.
Alan Shepard moved to authorize Fred Hurley to work with Mr. Tartaglia of 105 Church Hill Road.  Carl Zencey seconded, motion unanimously accepted.
Carl Zencey moved to authorize Fred Hurley to work with Mr. Burton of 107 Church Hill Road.  Lou Carbone seconded, Alan Shepard abstained, motion unanimously accepted.
Having no further business, meeting adjourned at 9:49
Attachment:  United Water Environmental Services Monthly Report